This package contains all information elements.
Class Summary Class Description IeAckFileOrSectionQualifier Represents an acknowledge file or section qualifier (AFQ) information element.IeBinaryCounterReading Represents a binary counter reading (BCR) information element.IeBinaryStateInformation Represents a binary state information (BSI) information element.IeCauseOfInitialization Represents a cause of initialization (COI) information element.IeChecksum Represents a checksum (CHS) information element.IeDoubleCommand Represents a double command (DCO) information element.IeDoublePointWithQuality Represents a double-point information with quality descriptor (DIQ) information element.IeFileReadyQualifier Represents a file ready qualifier (FRQ) information element.IeFileSegment Represents the segment of a file as transferred by ASDUs of type F_SG_NA_1 (125).IeFixedTestBitPattern Represents a fixed test bit pattern (FBP) information element.IeLastSectionOrSegmentQualifier Represents a last section or segment qualifier (LSQ) information element.IeLengthOfFileOrSection Represents a length of file or section (LOF) information element.IeNameOfFile Represents a name of file (NOF) information element.IeNameOfSection Represents a name of section (NOS) information element.IeNormalizedValue Represents a normalized value (NVA) information element.IeProtectionOutputCircuitInformation Represents an output circuit information of protection equipment (OCI) information element.IeProtectionQuality Represents a quality descriptor for events of protection equipment (QDP) information element.IeProtectionStartEvent Represents a start events of protection equipment (SPE) information element.IeQualifierOfCounterInterrogation Represents a qualifier of counter interrogation (QCC) information element.IeQualifierOfInterrogation Represents a qualifier of interrogation (QOI) information element.IeQualifierOfParameterActivation Represents a qualifier of parameter activation (QPA) information element.IeQualifierOfParameterOfMeasuredValues Represents a qualifier of parameter of measured values (QPM) information element.IeQualifierOfResetProcessCommand Represents a qualifier of reset process command (QRP) information element.IeQualifierOfSetPointCommand Represents a qualifier of set-point command (QOS) information element.IeQuality Represents a quality descriptor (QDS) information element.IeRegulatingStepCommand Represents a regulating step command (RCO) information element.IeScaledValue Represents a scaled value (SVA) information element.IeSectionReadyQualifier Represents a section ready qualifier (SRQ) information element.IeSelectAndCallQualifier Represents a select and call qualifier (SCQ) information element.IeShortFloat Represents a short floating point number (R32-IEEE STD 754) information element.IeSingleCommand Represents a single command (SCO) information element.IeSinglePointWithQuality Represents a single-point information with quality descriptor (SIQ) information element.IeSingleProtectionEvent Represents a single event of protection equipment (SEP) information element.IeStatusAndStatusChanges Represents a status and status change detection (SCD) information element.IeStatusOfFile Represents a status of file (SOF) information element.IeTestSequenceCounter Represents a test sequence Counter (TSC) information element.IeTime16 Represents a two octet binary time (CP16Time2a) information element.IeTime24 Represents a three octet binary time (CP24Time2a) information element.IeTime56 Represents a seven octet binary time (CP56Time2a) information element.IeValueWithTransientState Represents a value with transient state indication (VTI) information element.InformationElement InformationObject Every Information Object contains: The Information Object Address (IOA) that is 1, 2 or 3 bytes long. A set of Information Elements or a sequence of information element sets.