
[2.1.1] – 2024-08-06

First Open-Source Release under the AGPL


  • Fix handling of messages split into multiple WebSocketFrames
  • Update dependencies to fix vulnerabilities

[2.1.0] – 2024-04-11


  • Consider established server connections before opening client connections to remote SHIP nodes
  • Streamline message logging


  • Add option to configure the IP address of the network interface to be used for the SHIP node
  • Add a listener for the ConnectionDataExchange state of a SHIP connection

[2.0.0] – 2023-12-05


  • Enforce new package naming: org.openmuc.jeebus.ship


  • Support for IPv6 adresses


  • Resolve multiple javadoc issues
  • Fix possible ConcurrentModificationException on connection
  • Fix possible NullPointerException when adding trusted SKIs

[1.1.0] – 2023-07-28


  • implement AMI state


  • WebSocketHandler now notifies ConnectionHandler properly when closing a double connection
  • KeyManagement:
    • existing key store can be loaded
    • fix generating, storing and loading of keystore
    • fix asn1 encoding now using octet string instead of sequence
    • add SubjectKeyIdentifier to self-signed certificate
  • SME_PROT_H state: fix faulty parsing of messages in this state and add parsing for messageProtocolHandshakeError messages
  • replace polling for timers with ScheduledExecutors
  • CMI state is no longer skipped after reconnection

[1.0.0] – 2021-12-09

Initial release.


  • implement SHIP v1.0.1
  • support secure TCP/IP connections using TLS/SSL Encryption (IETF RFC 5246) and WebSockets (IETF RFC 6455)
  • support Certificate-Based authentication
  • support non-blocking, asynchronous authentication process
  • support discovery of active nodes using mDNS (IETF RFC 6762) and DNS-Based Service Discovery (IETF RFC 676)